When you are younger you don’t realize the true value of something, until you get older.
Melissa Cruz, a citizen of Jersey Village, is a mom, a wife, and a daughter.
To her, valuing something means ¨To recognize the moment that you are living in¨,Cruz said.
When she was younger she spent a lot of time with her family back home, spending time with cousins, going to the beach with family,traveling with family or traveling to see other family members, and those were moments that she enjoyed.
She didn’t realize that when she would get older, those were going to be moments that she would miss the most.
To her, being a mom is very special and she tries to be the best mom in the world.
Her key to valuing moments that you might not have later on is to enjoy every moment like it’s her last.
Now as she is older she lives every moment to her fullest.