Many people when they are younger imagine having a career based on what they like.Some want to be doctors, police officers, firemen, teachers etc.
Walter Lopez is a great father and has an amazing family which consists of 3 kids and a loving wife. He currently works as a construction worker, but that’s not what he wanted to be when he was little. “When I was little I wanted to be a teacher. I thought that they had a cool job, since all they had to do is teach and go home,” said Walter.
Unfortunately Walter didn’t get to be one since in Honduras at the time he was growing up many kids couldn’t really get the best education. It was either work or try to find something to do to be able to help their families. Even though Walter didnt get to be what he wanted he is very happy because he got to accomplish many of his goals. “ Thinking about it now that I’m older I’m happy where I’m at in my life. I don’t think I would have been able to be a teacher. I can’t handle my three kids let alone a whole class of them,” said Walter.
On the other hand there are people that don’t get the job that they wanted to be when they were younger get a job that is similar to it.Sofia Nieto a psychology major student had dreamed of being a model when she was younger. “I wanted to be a model because I grew up seeing them and I admired their beauty, ”said Sofia. She didn’t get to be one since she had discovered her passion for the beauty in people’s minds and emotions. Although she’s not a model she wants to be a role model for her future patients.
A lot of people when they start growing up they end up being and having the career that they wanted from the very beginning.Others discover what they like and what makes them happy and they take that and choose a career based on it.Some don’t really care what they are as long as they are happy, able to earn good,and have an overall good life.